We the Brave 2020
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Ribs and Trims
Text incorporated into florals

Floral punchcard with words hand selected throughout

Floral punchcard with words hand selected throughout

Floral punchcard with words hand selected throughout
Lacey Knits

This sample uses a holding technique. For this i used a simplistic punchcard for hold knitting, however i set it so that i knitted the same row of the card 4 times then moved to the next set of 4 creating a latched bubble structure.

I learned how to use a lace carriage to create lace on the knitting machine. Knitted with 2 mercerised cotton yarns together.

This sample uses a holding technique. For this i used a simplistic punchcard for hold knitting, however i set it so that i knitted the same row of the card 4 times then moved to the next set of 4 creating a latched bubble structure.
V bed knit structures

7 gauge mercerised cotton cream

5 gauge JCRennie oatmeal

5 gauge JCRennie Oatmeal. JCRennie White. Difference in yarn thickness created bumpy texture on knit.

7 gauge mercerised cotton cream